Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A Place to Hang My Hat...And Unpack My Stuff

For the last month and a half I've had three boxes full of unpacked goods sitting on my floor. Let me tell you this...those boxes are on my floor no more. I can officially say that I am unpacked and it feels awesome. I can look around and say, "Everything seems to be in order here," with a reassuring nod (arms crossed of course). Or I can sit back, watch a movie without having to say, "I wonder when I'm going to unpack the rest of my stuff." And when I go to the store I can finally start buying the "non-essentials" in life, like compact discs, adhesive bandages, and toilet paper. Oh, it is a good day. A good day indeed. Perhaps tomorrow I'll splurge and buy some condiments.

Til Next Time.

States: 17
Countries: 5

P.S. I was sitting at a stop light the other night and a man ran across the street pushing a stroller. Not an uncommon sight except the stroller was not for a child but for the biggest, baddest, most awesome looking bulldog I've ever seen. I looked around and every other driver at the stoplight was equally awestruck, but I seemed to be the only one laughing hysterically.

1 comment:

Hola.Migas said...

California seems way more fun than central Texas. People just have babies in their strollers here.