Thursday, March 13, 2008

"What are you doing this weekend?"...And I Don't Want You to Recipricate That Question.

It's Thursday night. The weekend is upon us and it's that point in the week when I consider possible activities for the days ahead. Normally I promise myself to do something outdoors...hiking perhaps. I may consider hitting up a tourist attraction (I am, for all intents and purposes, a tourist) or I always have my backup plan to attend a screening of a classic film at The Old Music Hall in nearby El Segundo. This weekend, however, feels different. For some reason I don't feel like doing anything. That puzzles me since every weekend I plan on doing something and then don't end up doing anything anyways. Maybe, if I don't plan on doing anything it'll work out so I actually end up doing something. However, this is an interesting weekend to choose not to do anything, for it is the celebration weekend of St. Patrick's day. This weekend is normally reserved for green beer and drunken shenanigans (a weekend I always look forward to).
So, I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to half plan my weekend (as opposed to fully plan half of my weekend): I plan on getting drunk. That's all I plan on doing. Then we'll see where that takes me. I've got $10 that says it doesn't take me very far and I've got another $25 that says I don't follow through with my half plan and end up doing nothing again. Although there is that parade down the street and they do throw candy out into the street. I do like candy, so we'll see.

Til Next Time

States 18
Countries 5

P.S. You know that bulldog I had previously mentioned? The one in the stroller? I saw him again. I swear that guy is pushing 75 lbs. He is a massive bulldog.

1 comment:

Brandon Till said...

You should consider the Bill Trandon theory of "Kiss me I'm _________." Girls love to make out on St. Patty's day.

Just think about it.