Sunday, June 15, 2008

Why Does the Fire Station Have Two Poles...and Why Do They Not Have Appropriate Fire Fighting Gear On

adj. sas·si·er, sas·si·es
  1. Rude and disrespectful; impudent.
  2. Lively and spirited; jaunty.
  3. Stylish; chic: a sassy little hat


  1. A girl or young woman who is considered pert, flirtatious, or impudent.
  2. Obsolete A promiscuous woman.

The Sassy Minxx
  1. Burlesque group the I saw last night.

Yes, I enjoyed a burlesque show last night. A girl at work performed a guest slot with The Sassy Minxx and invited a bunch of coworkers to witness her performance. I figured I'd lend her my support (although it turns out that the show had more than enough...wink) and it was quite an enjoyable evening to say the least. The scantily clad girls aside, it was nice to hob knob with everyone outside the office walls...but the scantily clad girls were nice too.
The highlight of the night, though, was watching the human mating rituals that unfolded before our very eyes. I don't generally attend venues that have the "club" feel to them, but in between acts and after the show, that's exactly what this place turned into. Yes, people were having a great time on the dance floor. No, they were not good dancers, but that's not what interested me the most. Instead, we were witness to a soap opera of she danced with him and then he danced with the next girl and the first girl got mad so tried to win him back and the guy was trying to play both girls and ended up not giving either enough attention and wound up dancing by himself...and he was a bad dancer...but so was everyone else.
Yes, a few coworkers and I thoroughly enjoyed this display and to make things more interesting it seemed to have been some sort of "singles night." I haven't confirmed it, but that is my explanation to the droves of people wearing glow in the dark bracelets that were too eager to talk to everyone...yes, everyone. Needless to say, 75% of those on the dance floor were brandishing the bracelets.
It seemed like everyone had a great time. Well, except for that guy that messed it up with the two girls and had to resort to dancing alone, he probably could have had a better night.

Til Next Time

P.S. Apparently there is a thing here called "June Gloom." That explains why it has been so gloomy this also makes my think of popular children's author Judy kind of rhymes...kind of.

States: 28
Countries: 8

This Post For Those With Limited Attention Spans:
The Sassy Minxx is a burlesque group.
A friend performed with them.
I like watching people dance.
People are funny when they dance.


Anonymous said...

Power to the judgmental Wallflowers!!

And here's hoping that red-hair & red-shirt worked everything out.....after all, if two such spritely young lovebirds can't make it work, well then, what hope is there for the rest of us?

BTW, you misspelled your third middle name......thought you might want to know. Unless, of course, "sassies" is your 3rd and a half or 4th middle name, in honor of everyone's favorite member of the pea family, the Erythrophleum suaveolens???

Allison Bazarko Kirk said...

Judy Bloom rocks!...that's all.


Anonymous said...

Seriously, June Gloom = Judy Blume? You never cease to amaze me Bazarko...

A co-worker...

Anonymous said...

come on jb

Anonymous said...

I just wanted you to know that the Dunkin Doughnuts in the Kmart plaza on Ashland has been shut down as of 6/30/08. The board of health taped a neon green notice to the door citing MANY health code violations.

Anonymous said...

dude. where did you go? are you too social to let your public know what's going on with you?

Brandon Till said...

G'Day Mate,

You need to write me more blogs to keep me entertained. Here's a +1 on countries and continents for you - Australia!


Anonymous said...

seriously bazarko - a whole month and nothing???

not complaining, just sad :(

how else is one to keep up with your take on the social experiment we call life???


Anonymous said...

bazarko j. where are you? did you get mixed up with that bratz guy?

Hola.Migas said...

Oh, Bazarko, where art thou?