Thursday, September 4, 2008

Watch...Copy Watch?

So far, my impression of Hong Kong is a positive one. It makes me miss living in a big city (no, I do not consider Hermosa Beach a big city) as I walk down the street. Everywhere you look there is a bar, or a restaurant, or a massage parlor, or a strip club (like I said, my impression is a positive one).
The one thing that is a bit different here than from any US city I've been to (save for Vegas) is the slew of sleazy dudes trying to sell you stuff by getting in your face and mentioning their product.
For instance, I'll be walking down the street, minding my own business, getting dripped on by high rise air conditioners and a gentleman walks up to me and says "Watch? Copy Watch? Rolex? Very nice?"
Now, I don't mind someone scraping a living, everyone has got to get by. The thing I found interesting, though, was that he was promoting a "Copy Watch." He wasn't even trying to sell it as a real watch. I suppose that is more noble approach and I should, therefore, trust this guy more, but something about him told me that I shouldn't start throwing money around.
Another common thing that gets promoted on the street here is a custom tailored suit. That sounds nice doesn't it? Perhaps I would have considered buying a custom tailored suit from a dude on the street had that dude not approached me by saying, "I think you need a tailor my friend." "Thank you," I sarcastically responded. Pffft...I need a tailor. Who does he think he is to judge my t-shirt and jeans fashion sense. I mean...come on, give me a break.
Aside from "The Copy Watch Man" and "The You Need a Tailor Dude," there is also the "Massage-ie Lady" and "The Hashish, Hashish, I Have Hashish Players."
This town is full of characters.

Til Next Time

P.S. If you know me then it's no surprise that I have a beard. I hadn't trimmed my beard for 2 weeks leading up to my trip and made the decision that I wouldn't trim it until I returned to the states. It has become unruly.

States: 30
Countries: 15

This Post For Those With Limited Attention Spans:
I like Hong Kong so far.
"Watch? Copy Watch?" he said.
"You need a tailor, my friend," he judged.
"Hashish, hashish, I have hasish," they sang.
I have an unruly beard.


Schmerica said...

so does the custom tailor suit guy custom tailor the suit on the street while you wait? is it like a custom tailor suit cart? do you try it on right then and there? and what if all is said and done and you just dont like the way the suit was custom tailored? can you rip it off and hand it back to the cart man? i sure hope so cuz that is phenomenal marketing right there.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...