Friday, January 25, 2008

Welcome to Sunny Southern they say.

I've been in Southern California (So Cal to the locals) for less than a week and it has rained for the last four days. What is the deal with all this rain? I didn't think weather existed here. "Say goodbye to the seasons," I've been told. "You're going to be so tan," said the envious ladies. "Look out for all those wackos," I've been warned. Nobody told me, "You might as well buy some flannels and a hoodie and move to Seattle. I hear the weather's comparable."
Oh well. I'm sure once this all clears up I'll get pretty sick of the blue skies, blue seas, and massive sunburns that are sure to follow.

Til next time.

P.S. Apparently I live in a place to where dolphins instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano. (I saw some dolphins on my morning run big deal.)

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