Sunday, August 10, 2008

He Was There...But I Didn't Blow Up!

This past week at work, we had some of our Chinese counterparts visiting. This is good for everyone. Not only for the productivity of the collaboration, but also for all of the entertaining.
So, Thursday night we were all invited to a happy hour to celebrate on Mattel's dime. It was a nice place, but I wouldn't say "overly nice." I didn't feel out of place drinking my martini (it was Martini Madness) in my bright yellow t-shirt (it's one of my favorite).
A little while into the evening, a coworker who had come back onto the patio from using the restroom came up to me and said, "Micheal Bay is in there." "WHAT?!" I exclaimed, "SHOW ME!"
For those of you who are not familiar with Micheal Bay, he is the man responsible for such high octane blockbusters as The Rock, Armageddon, and Pearl Harbor and he is best satirized in the following clip :
So, you can understand my excitement.
So, there I was on the cusp of my first celebrity sighting. A man who has tainted the summer cinemas so many times in the past 15 years. A man who is sitting in the corner of the restaurant on a date with a lovely Asian lady. A man who... ... ... isn't Micheal Bay.
Nope, it wasn't Micheal Bay. It wasn't him at all. Instead, it was Jerry Bruckheimer! Can you believe it! Freaking Jerry Bruckheimer! For those of you who don't know him, Jerry Bruckheimer is the producer of all of Micheal Bays films and then some (including the amazingly popular CSI series'). Jerry Bruckheimer is also the only Hollywood producer that kind of resembles Skeletor.
So, there you have it. I've finally seen a famous person. I am excited. You can touch me if you want.

Til Next Time

P.S. My sister had a baby girl last weekend. So, now I'm an uncle that works at a toy company. Which, in turn, will make me the best uncle ever. You can touch me again.

States: 29
Countries: 12

This Post For Those With Limited Attention Spans:
Our Chinese counterparts were in town this past week.
We drank on Mattel's dime.
I saw Micheal Bay.
No I didn't, it was Jerry Bruckheimer.
You can touch me.


Schmerica said...

Your blog has entertained me while re-uploading all of my Itunes music that mysteriously disappeared yesterday. Your move reminds me of mine to Phoenix- minus the beauty of California and plus a lot of cacti and dirt. P.S. we are moving back to Chicago next month- after one short year and a half in this crap state. I hope that Barbie can keep you motivated to stay much longer in California. SHHHHHH DIAMONDDEB!

Schmerica said...

By the way- I added your blog to my link on mine. I have a mysterious reader that resides in Canadia. Perhaps he/she will become addicted to you as well. :)