Friday, April 25, 2008

What Makes a Strong House? ... A Healthy Foundation of Course

So, it's been four weeks and you may be wondering, "Are you getting better at volleyball?" The answer, regrettably is a resounding, "No."
Remember how I told you that the intermediate class seemed less intermediate and more, how do you say...athletically incompetent? Well, since then the intermediate class has been split into two smaller classes: Intermediate and Intermediate Beginner. Being the modest and humble person that I am, I choose to group myself with the intermediate beginners where I was promised, "more instruction on the fundamentals."
Let me paint a picture of what the intermediate beginner class looks like: Picture 15-20 people standing on the beach with volleyballs in their hands. The instructor explains the next activity in a moderately to crystal clear manner. The majority of the students respond with blank looks and annoying questions. The instructor, growing increasingly frustrated, says, "Alright, let's just give it a shot."
What happens next can best be described by visualizing a handful of bouncy balls being dropped on the pavement. Can you see it? The bouncy balls are bouncing every which way...they have scattered in every direction. That's exactly what happens every Thursday night in the intermediate beginner class. The instructor says, "Go!" and volleyballs scatter in every direction. It's rather unproductive.
It's ok though, they're nice people. They just need a little more instruction on the included.

Til Next Time

P.S. I found a place down the street from me that claims to sell Chicago Style Hot Dogs. I haven't tried it yet, but by the looks of it they are missing half of the ingredients. They do, however, claim to use Vienna Beef Hot Dogs and that goes a very very long way.

States: 26
Countries: 7

This Post For Those With Limited Attention Spans:
It's been 4 weeks of volleyball.
I'm not getting any better.
Picture a handful of bouncy balls.
We need more instruction on fundamentals.


momanddad said...

How do you feel about surfing
now that there was a great
white shark attack near LA?

skittlewhumpkins said...

A healthy foundation may make for a strong house, but all you need for a dream house is foam core and loads and loads of masking tape (maybe a sprinkle or two of glitter) - just ask Babs.