Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Computers are amazing...they can read my mind.

There is this thing out there called the internet (if you're reading this chances are you've heard of it) and it is an amazing thing. One of it's capabilities is electronic mail (e-mail to those in the know) which is exactly like it sounds: sending letters over the internet (if you've never done it put it on your list of things to do before you die). This feature (e-mail) has gotten rather popular over the years and there are companies out there that would like to capitalize on it's success, mostly advertisers. Furthermore, there are companies out there that would like to facilitate those other companies and give them somewhere to place said advertisements. This is where Google comes in.
Google has many free services and I use a lot of them (if you're reading this you are using such a service) mainly Gmail (which is actually e-mail, stay with me). Gmail (and Google) have a very sophisticated system of advertising: the computer finds key words in your messages and provides relevant advertisements to that person. For example: If you wrote to me saying how much you love BBQ sandwiches then Gmail would notice "BBQ" and put up websites that sell BBQ products. The idea is to target the appropriate audience for the specific product and apparently it is very well received (I think Google made $3.47 Trillion Billion last year).
So, more to my point. I was checking my Gmail the other day and I noticed the following advertisement:

"Free Fart Video

Watch Hilarious Fart Videos Like Horse Fart Sets Girl On Fire & More"

Now, anybody who knows me knows that I enjoy a little toilet humor (or a lot of toilet humor) and heavens know this video they are selling me sounds amazingly epic and a must see (provided the girl who was set on fire by careless horse fart was unharmed or has recovered and is in good spirits), but what are my friends sending me in their emails that would make Gmail think I was interested in such filth?
When I saw the ad, I stopped what I was doing and quickly looked around in the recent emails to try to find some hints of gas, flatulence, fart, shart, buster, flutterblast, barking spider, the dog did it, stepped on a duck, boofer, crop dust, pebble putt, ass explosion, crap, poo, poop, number 2, accident, butt rot, bomb, floating a biscuit, great brown cloud, killing the canary, doorknob, the sound and the fury, back door breeze, or cheesin'...but not one instance. There was nothing sent to or typed by me that could possibly resister relevant to fart videos. Why then, would I be targeted?
The only explanation is that the computer read my mind because I actually am the target audience they should be looking for. Creepy how that works. Pretty soon computers themselves will be farting and humans and horses will be obsolete...a frightening thought. I will probably lose sleep over it.

'Til next time.

P.S. Don't be surprised if you get the same ad now that you have read this...there may be a few buzz words in the body of this post.


Hola.Migas said...

haha, very funny. keep writing, you're really good.

Dan said...

No "honk a pooper". I'm very disappointed. So many years of work. All of it was for nothing. Nothing.