Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I'm a Real Boy...A Real California Boy

It's late and you're tired, so I'll keep this short. I am now in possession of a real California drivers license. Now, I know what you're thinking, "I hate the DMV." I couldn't agree more, but I wasn't within a mile of that god forsaken place today. Nope, my license was delivered straight to my door, through my mail slot, and onto my floor. Two weeks ago, however, I was stuck in the aforementioned governmental building for two long, hot, uncomfortable hours. I waited in line, I took my test, I waited in line, I filled out paper work, I waited in line, I got my picture taken, and then I was told, "Your new license will be arriving in 2 weeks. Give me your old Illinois license. You have no identity until then except for this flimsy piece of paper." He then handed me a flimsy piece of paper.
I walked out of that experience feeling empty, alone, and robbed of something personal. Today, that something was laying on my floor when I got home. I am complete again. I am somebody.

Til Next Time.

P.S. I know where you live.


Brandon Till said...

That happened to me in Texas so I had to use my passport when I'd go to bars. It worked out though because apparently the Texas drivers license is accepted internationally.

Anonymous said...

I can tell you from personal experience, the Texas drivers license is more important to keep on your person than any passport or government i.d. available from any authority on the planet.

p.s. jeff. just tell them you lost it next time, and you can keep it.